Marlenes Calendar
coming early 2025
The Story of MCalendar
MCalendar stands for Marlenes Calendar - since my girlfriend got an iPhone last year and hasn’t found a calendar app matching her needs, I asked her if I should make one. That’s how MCalendar started.
The most important thing is the week-view, which displays each day’s events and the current open to-do’s.
Tap on the day and the detailed timeline view pops up where you can select and edit existing events. Quickly add a new event by doing a long tap on a specific day - or create a new todo.

Navigate Quickly
Navigate quickly to a specific week by long pressing on the month title in the navigation bar.
Just tap on the month title shortly in order to jump back to the current week.
Currently in Beta
MCalendar is currently under development and not ready for public yet.
Though you can join our beta program and help us make MCalendar better!